Your Moving Checklist: 15 Things to Do Before Moving Into a New Home

Welcome to the ultimate moving checklist—a list of all the things you should do before moving into your new home.

Let’s face it: With all the excitement of new digs, it’s easy to forget some important tasks. Plus, certain things are best done while the house is still vacant, long before your boxes and furniture are parked in the place. Put these things off, and it becomes all the harder to tackle them later.

So before you move—or in case you have moved and are wondering how many of these you hit—check out this moving checklist to know what should be done long before you settle in.

1. Turn on utilities

Electric, gas, water—don’t assume they’ll be on and operational when you arrive. Instead, get all your utilities set up ahead of time.

“Chances are the seller will be turning them off as of the closing date,” says Greg Beckman, an Annapolis, MD, real estate agent.

2. Set up internet and cable service

Plan on having a “Property Brothers” marathon while you’re unpacking? Have your home wired for service before you arrive, advises Julie McDonough, a real estate agent in Southern California.

3. Order an energy audit

One of the best ways to cut your energy bill is to order a home energy audit, says Rachel Foy, a real estate agent in Newton, MA.

An energy audit is a professional assessment of your new home’s overall …

By Daniel Bortz |


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Ray Ailstock

Ray Ailstock